Saturday, August 28, 2010

Another negative!

It's really not that often that you want a negative result on something...

I had the 2nd of 5 fetal fibronectin tests done on Wednesday, and it came back negative again! Yay! Dr Majkrzak also checked my cervix, and I wasn't dilated, another yay! Baby was busy and heartrate was good. He also measured me for the first time. I go back on September 8 for another checkup and fetal fibronectin.

In other baby news, no gestational diabetes here! That's the last thing I'd need to deal with, but it's not a concern. We've made great headway in baby's room, getting everything sorted for storage and the rummage sale. Mom and Dad are coming up soon with the rocker and some fun projects for me, and hopefully the crib. I'm super excited to get baby stuff in there!

Working in the LHL office has been going well. It's nice to have something that can get me more hours, and I love the ladies that work there! I really miss being with my residents on a regular basis, so I'm trying to make sure I get to the house to visit them as often as I can.

Justin started classes this week. He's already got a case of senioritis! He's got alot going on this semester, with a full load of classes, work, building manager, internship, and Family Ministry team. Plus, there's a baby coming before the end of the semester! I think once he gets a routine, though, he'll be fine.

Of course, I'll keep updating on baby asa they come!


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