Thursday, August 19, 2010

Work restriction

Well, I'm officially on work restriction. But not bed rest - yippee!! I'm not allowed on my feet for more than 1 hour per 8 hour shift and I can't lift more than 15 pounds... this completely eliminates the possibility of returning to direct care. Fortunately, I'm able to continue my house manager duties that don't require me to be on my feet, and it sounds like I'll be putting in a few hours a week at the LHL office doing office work, so I can still provide some sort of income and get out of the house!

I saw Dr Majkrzak yesterday and baby's heartbeat sounded good (baby kicked the Doppler, it was pretty funny). He checked me and I'm still not dilated, which is a great sign and the contractions haven't returned. But I still have pain if I'm on my feet for more than about 15 minutes. So I still have lots of time to spend sitting down, which is ok. I go in next week for the next fetal fibronectin (fFN) test and that will tell us how the next 2 weeks will go.

Baby's super active and most definitly getting bigger... those sweet little baby flutters are NOT flutters anymore! Pretty sure I'm growing some sort of gymnast/soccer player hybrid! Somersaults and kicks galore... especially around midnight, when I am sleeping! But I still love those baby kicks...

I'm also confined to Bemidji until baby comes. So no more day trips home. Visitors welcome!


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